SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

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Public Statistics - Player Profile  
Scorereset Period:
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squad search for: Airduster
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player search for: Airduster
Squad: Krew Krub Airduster
Online Status: ONLINE
Created: Jul. 1, 1998 0:00 [SSC biller time]
Last Seen: Jun. 2, 2024 3:02 [CDT/CST]
Usage: 27824h 01m
Resolution: 1024x768
Location: United States [GMT-5]
Achievements: 10th Scorereset period of 2024:
- Shark: Most Wins  (973 wins)
09th Scorereset period of 2024:
- Shark: Most Losses  (1469 losses)
- Shark: Most Wins  (1682 wins)
08th Scorereset period of 2024:
- Shark: Most Wins  (1542 wins)
26th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Leviathan: Highest Average  (615)
- Shark: Most Flagpoints  (167058 pts.)
- Shark: Most Wins  (2266 wins)
25th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Shark: Most Wins  (2214 wins)
23rd Scorereset period of 2023:
- Shark: Most Wins  (1178 wins)
19th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Shark: Most Wins  (1132 wins)
16th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Shark: Most Wins  (980 wins)
19th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Leviathan: Highest Rating  (1388)
17th Scorereset period of 2022:
- Leviathan: Highest Rating  (573)
03rd Scorereset period of 2022:
- Leviathan: Most Totalpoints  (138912 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Killpoints  (76958 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Flagpoints  (61954 pts.)
01st Scorereset period of 2022:
- Leviathan: Most Totalpoints  (141117 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Killpoints  (88136 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Flagpoints  (52981 pts.)
11st Scorereset period of 2019:
- Leviathan: Highest Average  (362)
25th Scorereset period of 2018:
- Warbird: Highest Average  (269)
13rd Scorereset period of 2018:
- Leviathan: Most Killpoints  (80914 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Totalpoints  (123288 pts.)
12nd Scorereset period of 2018:
- Leviathan: Most Totalpoints  (107044 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Killpoints  (62945 pts.)
11st Scorereset period of 2018:
- Leviathan: Most Totalpoints  (133530 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Killpoints  (78423 pts.)
07th Scorereset period of 2014:
- Leviathan: Most Flagpoints  (83200 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Losses  (628 losses)
Rank By: Rating Wins Losses Average Flag Points Kill Points Total Points Rank*
1405 459 441 170 61625 78383 140008 #169
479 83 15 195 1400 8090 9490 #45
965 54 54 13 8800 14868 23668 #38
858 162 242 24 25600 23288 48888 #18
-4 0 4 0 0 0 0 #46
1251 151 114 4 24825 31038 55863 #10

* Overall rank (the first line displayed with no ship icon) shows this players rank between all other players overall stats. Other ranks are ship-specific and gives the rank of the player between all other players in that same ship only.
wildcard squad search *Airduster* matches: BLAME AIRDUSTER
wildcard player search *Airduster* matches: Airduster

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