SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

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Twisted and TurretWar2!  [ Apr 24, 2014 ]

Hey there Trenchers! Now that TW is back, it's back to Weekend Events!
First up is the classic, curvy, twisty, whacky bomb event, Twisted! In this Javelin Elimination Deathmatch, each player will meticulously eliminate all others through the use of orbiting bombs, bullet rushes, and let's be honest, strays. If this sounds like your cup of tea, type ?go TWISTED at 5 pm EDT on Saturday, April 26!

Next is another TW classic, one seemingly designed for pilots as poor as I! Just hop on a terrier, and pew pew pew your team to victory! Or if you can fly, get in ship 5 and dip in and out of bullet streams like a biscuit into a cup of Earl Grey! The air should be saturated with pure enjoyment! Type ?go TURRETWAR2 at 5pm EDT on Sunday, April 27!

A special congratulations and thanks goes out to all the winners of last weekend's tournaments! I hope the pizza made your holidays all the tastier!
As always, if you have any comments/concerns/suggestions/questions, feel free to contact me (WillBy) and I'll get back to you ASAP!
See you around the Trenches!

by WillBy


 SSCU Trench Wars is back online!  [Apr 18, 2014]
 Trench Wars ASSS Zone  [Apr 06, 2014]
 Network issues  [Apr 03, 2014]
 Boki and WW3  [Mar 27, 2014]
 Retro Weekend  [Mar 20, 2014]

TWDT Season 22 winners!

TWDTD: Pure Luck
TWDTJ: Prayer
TWDTB: Lifeban
 2.iron survivor1204
1. vys 614 16 17
2. Flame 588 71 129
3. pawner 578 63 126
 Base ElimRatingWinsGames
1. Kim 732 42 64
2. crazy canockout 686 22 32
3. Delos 654 28 60