SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

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Public Statistics - Player Profile  
Scorereset Period:
Player/Squad Search:

squad search for: X711
no matches

squad owner search for: X711

player search for: X711
Squad: 420 X711
Online Status: ONLINE
Created: May. 21, 2001 5:08 [SSC biller time]
Last Seen: Apr. 26, 2024 4:09 [CDT/CST]
Usage: 11511h 32m
Resolution: 1280x720
Location: United States [GMT-4]
Achievements: 21st Scorereset period of 2023:
- Shark: Highest Average  (683)
19th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Lancaster: Highest Average  (620)
17th Scorereset period of 2023:
- Javelin: Highest Average  (629)
11st Scorereset period of 2021:
- Spider: Highest Average  (233)
04th Scorereset period of 2021:
- Lancaster: Highest Average  (238)
14th Scorereset period of 2020:
- Shark: Highest Average  (237)
12nd Scorereset period of 2020:
- Lancaster: Highest Average  (222)
16th Scorereset period of 2019:
- Leviathan: Most Flagpoints  (32309 pts.)
- Leviathan: Most Totalpoints  (57405 pts.)
Rank By: Rating Wins Losses Average Flag Points Kill Points Total Points Rank*
2045 736 892 234 125753 172544 298297 #109
896 134 114 5 16682 20773 37455 #102
299 51 36 6 3700 4371 8071 #106
2264 223 237 224 42337 73281 115618 #31
588 48 35 35 6800 8567 15367 #44
1031 58 71 416 17084 16412 33496 #28
569 43 105 0 5800 8760 14560 #10
569 33 26 113 2200 7501 9701 #57
1287 146 267 123 31150 32879 64029 #25

* Overall rank (the first line displayed with no ship icon) shows this players rank between all other players overall stats. Other ranks are ship-specific and gives the rank of the player between all other players in that same ship only.
wildcard squad search *X711* matches: no matches
wildcard player search *X711* matches: X711

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