SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

SSCU Trench Wars - The Free Online Multiplayer Spaceship Game

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DM/Javs/Zombies/Boki!  [ Nov 20, 2013 ]

Hey there Trenchers! To get us back in the swing of things, we've got some classic events this weekend! Here's how it's gonna go down:

First up is the most recognized event in Trench Wars! A simple, 2-team deathmatch! Hop in your WarBird, and head down to play! See you on Saturday, November 23 at 1 pm EST!

Now that we're all pumped up, the second event of the afternoon will be the amazing SealJavs! In contrast to the prior event, this one will be played exclusively in the javelin-ship! Take your side, and make sure to show up on Saturday, November 23, immediately after Deathmatch!

To kick off your Sunday, we've got yet another very special weekend event, Zombies! In case you aren't familiar with rule, a zombie apocalypse has broken out over the island, and you have to run for your life! Type ?go ZOMBIES on Sunday, November 24, at 5pm EST to try yourself against the 8-legged walking dead!

The weekend will end on a glorious note- basing! Come, see, and conquer in this epic event that has served as inspiration for so many others! Be in ?go BOKI at 6pm EST on Sunday, November 24 for your chance to be picked!

As always, if you have questions/concerns/suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me (WillBy)! It would mean the world to us if you all showed up! Even if you can't, we wish you a happy weekend and look forward to seeing you around the Trenches!

by WillBy


 The Borg and WebCrawler!  [Oct 10, 2013]
 Zone66 and StarCon  [Oct 03, 2013]
 TWL Qualifications underway  [Oct 01, 2013]
 HaloCTF and Charge!  [Sep 26, 2013]
 2Flag and Birthday  [Sep 19, 2013]

TWDT Season 22 winners!

TWDTD: Pure Luck
TWDTJ: Prayer
TWDTB: Lifeban
 2.iron survivor1204
1. vys 612 17 19
2. jessup 599 44 79
3. Flame 588 78 140
 Base ElimRatingWinsGames
1. Kim 835 65 93
2. crazy canockout 686 22 32
3. Delos 683 35 73