Developement has been restarted and a few major additions in the new beta, check the changes file. Gonna try and get a website up soon CLE (Continuum Level Editor) is a new map editor writtin in delphi(i don't have the time to learn c++ saddly). Based off of SSME 8.1 with a few improvements. currently all the tools work. the fill area is a little buggy but only on large scale jobs. sadly a major shortcomming(although hopefully fixed shortly) is there is no cut,copy, or paste and you can;t move around a selection. however there are new improved features to hopefully make maping quicker. i've introduced my 'smart tile' system. you can define the layout of a tileset and then save yourself some time by not having to worry about making sure all the proper tiles are being used. you can also now rotate a selection(square selections only hold shift). with the smart tile if you rotate or flip a selection the tiles will try to correct themselves. and if everything is defined properly then you should needa retile a flipped selection! woot! the next addition should be cut copy and paste and hopefully that won't be too far off oh for those who care about this sort of thing, my view of version numbers is that when you get things like 1.1 1.3 etc it's very arbitrary as to how much is actually updated. ie does a change from 1.1 to 1.2 have as much from 1.2 to 1.3 or 1.9 to 2.0. so my version numbers will correspond to the day that the file was updated and nothing else, so you will always know when you have the most current version. check the changes.txt for what has been updated -Cuervo Muerte